Class AbstractOutputWriterCommandStep

All Implemented Interfaces:
CleanUpCommandStep, CommandStep
Direct Known Subclasses:
OutputWriterCommandStep, ReferenceDatabaseOutputWriterCommandStep

public abstract class AbstractOutputWriterCommandStep extends AbstractHelperCommandStep implements CleanUpCommandStep
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractOutputWriterCommandStep

      public AbstractOutputWriterCommandStep()
  • Method Details

    • providedDependencies

      public List<Class<?>> providedDependencies()
      Description copied from interface: CommandStep
      Returns a list of all the dependency Classes that this step provides
      Specified by:
      providedDependencies in interface CommandStep
      providedDependencies in class AbstractCommandStep
      list with the provided classes types
    • getProvidedWriterDependency

      public abstract Class<?> getProvidedWriterDependency()
      Get the dependency that is provided by this class. In some cases this is Writer, but might be other similar classes depending on the implementation.
    • requiredDependencies

      public List<Class<?>> requiredDependencies()
      Description copied from interface: CommandStep
      Return a list of configured Classes that this command requires to be passed as a dependency.
      Specified by:
      requiredDependencies in interface CommandStep
      requiredDependencies in class AbstractCommandStep
      list with the required classes types
    • getDatabaseDependency

      public abstract Class<?> getDatabaseDependency()
      Get the database dependency that is required by this class.
    • run

      public void run(CommandResultsBuilder resultsBuilder) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: CommandStep
      Performs the business logic. This method should not be called directly. It is called by the overall pipeline logic in the CommandScope.execute() order.
      Specified by:
      run in interface CommandStep
    • defineCommandNames

      public String[][] defineCommandNames()
      Description copied from interface: CommandStep
      Defines new command names For example, if it is part of `liquibase update`, this should return new String[][]{ new String[] {"update"}}. If it is a part of `liquibase example init`, this should return {"example", "init"}.

      This is used to determine the available command names.

      This can return null if this step is not defining a new command but "cross-cutting" existing commands

      Specified by:
      defineCommandNames in interface CommandStep
    • cleanUp

      public void cleanUp(CommandResultsBuilder resultsBuilder)
      Description copied from interface: CleanUpCommandStep
      Method invoked to execute the cleanup action.
      Specified by:
      cleanUp in interface CleanUpCommandStep
      resultsBuilder - builder used in this pipeline