Class AntTaskLogService

All Implemented Interfaces:
LogService, Plugin

public final class AntTaskLogService extends AbstractLogService
An implementation of the Liquibase LogService that logs all messages to the given Ant task. This should only be used inside of Ant tasks.
  • Constructor Details

    • AntTaskLogService

      public AntTaskLogService( task)
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      public int getPriority()
    • getLog

      public Logger getLog(Class clazz)
      Description copied from interface: LogService
      Creates a logger for logging from the given class. Unlike most logging systems, there is no exposed getLog(String) method in order to provide more consistency in how logs are named.
    • close

      public void close()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLogService
      Default implementation does nothing.
      Specified by:
      close in interface LogService
      close in class AbstractLogService