Class LiquibaseLauncher


public class LiquibaseLauncher extends Object
Launcher which builds up the classpath needed to run Liquibase, then calls LiquibaseCommandLine.main(String[]).

Supports the following configuration options that can be passed as JVM properties and/or environment variables, taking the former precedence over the latter:

Environment variable JVM property
LIQUIBASE_HOME liquibase.home
Liquibase home. This option is mandatory.
LIQUIBASE_LAUNCHER_DEBUG liquibase.launcher.debug
Determine if it should, when true, log what it is doing to stderr. Defaults to false.
LIQUIBASE_LAUNCHER_PARENT_CLASSLOADER liquibase.launcher.parent_classloader
Classloader that will be used to run Liquibase, either system or thread. Defaults to system.