Class ValidatingVisitorUtil


public class ValidatingVisitorUtil extends Object
Util class to offload methods that are used by ValidatingVisitor class and may make it more complex than it should be
  • Method Details

    • isChecksumIssue

      public static boolean isChecksumIssue(ChangeSet changeSet, RanChangeSet ranChangeSet, DatabaseChangeLog databaseChangeLog, Database database)
    • fixChangesetFilenameForLogicalfilepathBugIn4300

      public static RanChangeSet fixChangesetFilenameForLogicalfilepathBugIn4300(ChangeSet changeSet, RanChangeSet ranChangeSet, String key, Map<String,RanChangeSet> ranIndex, Database database) throws LiquibaseException
      During version 4.31.0 the filename could be incorrectly calculated for changesets that were included in a parent using logicalFilePath database changelog parameter. This method checks if the filename was incorrectly calculated and fixes it. FIXME As 4.31.0 has been out for just 3 weeks and then it was patched, we should consider removing this fix around Liquibase 4.34.0 ,and document that if a user faces this issue he first needs to upgrade to 4.31.1 -> 4.34.0 and then up.