Class ChangeParameterMetaData


public class ChangeParameterMetaData extends Object
Static metadata about a Change parameter. Instances of this class are tracked within ChangeMetaData and are immutable.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • withAccessors

      public ChangeParameterMetaData withAccessors(Method readMethod, Method writeMethod)
    • analyzeSupportedDatabases

      protected Set<String> analyzeSupportedDatabases(String[] supportedDatabases)
    • analyzeRequiredDatabases

      protected Set<String> analyzeRequiredDatabases(String[] requiredDatabases)
    • getParameterName

      public String getParameterName()
      Programmatic Name of the parameter. Will not contain spaces so it can be used for XMl tag names etc. By convention, Change names should start be camel case starting with a lower case letter.
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      A more friendly name of the parameter.
    • getDataType

      public String getDataType()
      Return the data type of value stored in this parameter. Used for documentation and integration purposes as well as validation.
    • getRequiredForDatabase

      public Set<String> getRequiredForDatabase()
      Return the database types for which this parameter is required. The strings returned correspond to the values returned by Database.getShortName(). If the parameter is required for all databases, this will return the string "all" as an element. If the parameter is required for no databases, this will return an empty set. Passing the string "none" to the constructor also results in an empty set. This method will never return a null value
    • getSupportedDatabases

      public Set<String> getSupportedDatabases()
    • isRequiredFor

      public boolean isRequiredFor(Database database)
      A convenience method for testing the value returned by getRequiredForDatabase() against a given database. Returns true if the Database.getShortName() method is contained in the required databases or the required database list contains the string "all"
    • supports

      public boolean supports(Database database)
    • getCurrentValue

      public Object getCurrentValue(Change change)
      Returns the current value of this parameter for the given Change.
    • setValue

      public void setValue(Change change, Object value)
      Sets the value of this parameter on the given change.
    • getMustEqualExisting

      public String getMustEqualExisting()
      Returns a dot-delimited chain of DatabaseObject fields describing what existing value this parameter would need to be set if applying the Change to a particular DatabaseObject.

      For example, in an addColumn Change, the "name" parameter would return "" because if you know of an existing Column object, the "name" parameter needs to be set to the column's name. In the addColumn's "tableName" parameter, this method would return "".

      The values of the chain correspond to the DatabaseObject.getObjectTypeName() and DatabaseObject.getAttributes()

      This method is used by integrations that want to generate Change instances or configurations pre-filled with data required to apply to an existing database object.
    • getSerializationType

      public LiquibaseSerializable.SerializationType getSerializationType()
      Return the LiquibaseSerializable.SerializationType to use when serializing this object.
    • getExampleValue

      public Object getExampleValue(Database database)
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object