Interface CustomChange

All Known Subinterfaces:
CustomSqlChange, CustomTaskChange

public interface CustomChange
Interface to implement when creating a custom change. Actual custom changes implementations need to implement CustomSqlChange or CustomTaskChange.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Confirmation message to be displayed after the change is executed
    setFileOpener(ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor)
    Sets the fileOpener that should be used for any file loading and resource finding for files that are provided by the user.
    This method will be called after the no arg constructor and all of the properties have been set to allow the task to do any heavy tasks or more importantly generate any exceptions to report to the user about the settings provided.
    validate(Database database)
    Tests that the change is configured correctly before attempting to execute it.
  • Method Details

    • getConfirmationMessage

      String getConfirmationMessage()
      Confirmation message to be displayed after the change is executed
      a String containing the message after the change is executed
    • setUp

      void setUp() throws SetupException
      This method will be called after the no arg constructor and all of the properties have been set to allow the task to do any heavy tasks or more importantly generate any exceptions to report to the user about the settings provided.
    • setFileOpener

      void setFileOpener(ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor)
      Sets the fileOpener that should be used for any file loading and resource finding for files that are provided by the user.
    • validate

      ValidationErrors validate(Database database)
      Tests that the change is configured correctly before attempting to execute it.
      database - The database the change will be run against