Package liquibase.change.custom

package liquibase.change.custom
Although Liquibase tries to provide a wide range of database refactorings, there are times you may want to create your own custom refactoring class.

To create your own custom refactoring, simply create a class that implements the CustomSqlChange or CustomTaskChange interface and use the <custom> tag in your changeset.

If your change can be rolled back, implement the CustomSqlRollback interface as well.

For a sample custom change class, see liquibase.change.custom.ExampleCustomSqlChange in the test sources.

  • Class
    Interface to implement when creating a custom change.
    Interface to implement that allows a custom change to generate its own checksum.
    Adapts CustomChange implementations to the standard change system used by Liquibase.
    Interface to implement when creating a custom change that generates SQL.
    Interface to implement that allows rollback of a custom sql change.
    Interface to implement when creating a custom change that does not actually generate SQL.
    Interface to implement that allows rollback of a custom task change.