Enable or disable sending product usage data and analytics to Liquibase.
Allows automatic backup and updating of liquibase.checks.conf file when new policy checks are available.
Specifies the fully qualified class name of the custom ChangeExecListener
Specifies the property file for controlling the custom ChangeExecListener
Specifies the schema Liquibase will use to create your changelog tables.
Specifies the directory where Liquibase can find your changelog file.
Specifies the changelog file for Liquibase to use.
Specifies the changelog file for Liquibase Policy Checks to use.
Specifies the schema Liquibase will use to create your changelog table.
The author to be specified for Changesets in the generated Change Log.
The author to be specified for Changesets in the generated Change Log.
Specifies the author of the changeSet you want to rollback.
Specifies the author of the changeSet you want to rollback.
The execution context to be used for Changesets in the generated Change Log, which can be "," separated if multiple contexts.
The changeset ID to rollback
The changeset ID to rollback
Specifies the path to the changelog which contains the change-set you want to rollback.
Specifies the path to the changelog which contains the change-set you want to rollback.
protected int
The number of changes to apply to the database.
Comma-separated list of one or more enabled checks to run.
The Liquibase component to run checks against, which can be a comma separated list
Specifies the checksSettingsFile file for Liquibase Policy Checks to use.
protected boolean
A flag that forces checksums to be cleared from the DATABASECHANGELOG table.
Specifies which contexts Liquibase will execute, which can be separated by a comma if multiple contexts
are required.
If true, extensions are captured in the history table
If true, executed SQL is captured in the history table
This property enables Liquibase Pro users to store a record of all database changing liquibase operations in a new table
Specifies the table name to use for the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table.
Specifies the table name to use for the DATABASECHANGELOG table.
Specifies the database object class.
Directory where insert statement csv files will be kept.
If true, extensions are captured in the history table
If true, executed SQL is captured in the history table
This property enables Liquibase Pro users to store a record of all database changing liquibase operations in a new table
Specifies the default catalog name to use for the database connection.
Specifies the default schema name to use for the database connection.
Specifies the update your want to rollback.
Specifies the Deployment ID in the DATABASECHANGELOG table for all changesets you
want to rollback.
If this parameter is set, the changelog needed to "fix" differences between the two databases is output.
Objects to be excluded from the changelog.
Objects to be excluded from the changelog.
protected boolean
Include the catalog in the diff output?
Objects to be included in the changelog.
Objects to be included in the changelog.
protected boolean
Include the schema in the diff output?
protected boolean
Include the tablespace in the diff output?
List of diff types to include in Change Log expressed as a comma separated list from: tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data.
List of diff types to include in Change Log expressed as a comma separated list from: tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data.
Specifies the driver class name to use for the database connection.
The JDBC driver properties file
The JDBC driver properties file
If true, the database changelog history table will be dropped.
protected boolean
Whether or not to perform a drop on the database before executing the change.
How to handle multiple files being found in the search path that have duplicate paths.
protected boolean
Arbitrary map of parameters that the underlying liquibase command will use.
Specifies the flowFile to use.
A required flag which indicates you intend to run rollbackOneChangeSet
A required flag for rollbackOneUpdate.
Required flag for RollbackOneChangeSet
Specifies the format file for Liquibase Policy Checks to use.
The format in which to display the diff output
Sets the output method to JSON or JSON_PRETTY
protected boolean
Includes a Maven project artifact in the class loader which obtains the liquibase.properties and changelog files.
Flag to Indicate liquibase whether or not to include schema name on changelog
protected boolean
Includes the Maven test output directory in the class loader which obtains the liquibase.properties and changelog files.
Specifies which Liquibase labels Liquibase will execute, which can be separated by a comma if multiple labels
are required or you need to designate a more complex expression.
Sets the format of log output to console or log files.
Determines the minimum log level liquibase uses when logging.
The file to output the Migration SQL script to, if it exists it will be
The file to output the Migration SQL script to, if it exists it will be
The file to output the Rollback SQL script to, if it exists it will be
The file to output the Migration SQL script to, if it exists it will be
The target change log file to output to.
protected boolean
Specifies whether to ignore the catalog/database name.
protected boolean
Specifies whether to ignore the schema name.
Write the output of the diff to a file
The file to output the Rollback SQL script to, if it exists it will be
Specifies the path to the generated SQL output file.
Specifies the path to the generated SQL output file.
A flag which indicates you want to set the character encoding of the output file during the updateSQL phase.
protected boolean
Flag to allow overwriting of output changelog file
Specifies the database password for database connection.
Specifies whether to preserve the case of schemas and catalogs
protected boolean
Specifies the liquibase.properties you want to use to configure Liquibase.
protected boolean
A flag which indicates you want the liquibase.properties file to override any settings provided in the Maven plugin configuration.
Specifies the property provider which must be a java.util.Properties implementation.
Specifies additional psql args.
Specifies whether to keep generated psql files.
Specifies the name of generated psql files.
Specifies where to keep generated psql files.
Specifies where to output psql logs.
Specifies your psql path.
The reference database catalog.
The reference database schema.
The fully qualified name of the driver class to use to connect to the reference database.
The reference database password to use to connect to the specified database.
Schemas names on reference database to use in diff.
The server id in settings.xml to use when authenticating with.
The reference database URL to connect to for executing Liquibase.
The reference database username to use to connect to the specified database.
Sets replaceIfExists="true" for changes of the supported types, at the moment they are createView and createProcedure.
Sets replaceIfExists="true" for changes of the supported types, at the moment they are createView and createProcedure.
protected boolean
If set to true and any changeset in a deployment fails, then the update operation stops, and liquibase attempts to rollback all changesets just deployed.
Specifies the path to a rollback script
Specifies the path to a rollback script
Sets runOnChange="true" for changesets containing solely changes of these types (e.g. createView, createProcedure, ...).
Sets runOnChange="true" for changesets containing solely changes of these types (e.g. createView, createProcedure, ...).
Schemas on target database to use in diff.
The schemas to be dropped.
Specifies the a list of schemas to indicate liquibase where to apply change objects or where to read current state from
Specifies the locations where Liquibase can find your changelog files.
protected boolean
Show the liquibase banner in output.
Whether or not to print a summary of the update operation.
Flag to control where we show the summary.
protected boolean
Specifies whether to skip running Liquibase.
Skip plugin execution if the specified file exists.
Specifies additional sqlcmd args.
Specifies sqlcmd catalog name.
Specifies whether to keep generated sqlcmd files.
Specifies the name of generated sqlcmd files.
Specifies whether to overwrite generated sqlcmd files.
Specifies where to keep generated sqlcmd files.
Specifies where to output sqlcmd logs.
Specifies your sqlcmd path.
Specifies sqlcmd timeout.
Specifies additional sqlplus args.
Specifies whether to keep generated sqlplus files.
Specifies the name of generated sqlplus files.
Specifies whether to overwrite generated sqlplus files.
Specifies where to keep generated sqlplus files.
Specifies where to output sqlplus logs.
Specifies your sqlplus path.
Specifies sqlplus timeout.
When set to true, this global property prevents DBCL and DBCLH sql from being present in console and logs during *-sql commands, such as update-sql, rollback-sql, etc.
Specifies a list of system properties you want to pass to the database.
Update to the changeSet with the given tag command.
Update to the changeSet with the given tag command.
Update to the changeSet with the given tag command.
Specifies the database URL you want to use to execute Liquibase.
protected boolean
Flag to allow adding 'OR REPLACE' option to the create view change object when generating changelog in SQL format
protected boolean
Flag to allow adding 'OR REPLACE' option to the create view change object when generating changelog in SQL format
Specifies the database username for database connection.
Specifies the vault namespace
Specifies the vault token
protected boolean
Controls the amount of output detail when you call the plugin.
Set to 'true' to output all data from EXECUTEDSQL and EXTENSIONS columns